To repair and restore God’s women for the service of His Kingdom. Through the Spirit God, His anointing, His Word, and His love we commit to leading ladies to God to have a true and personal relationship with God, addressing all issues with the Word of God through prayer and LIVING. Isaiah 58:12
Identify (self-examination) Unity (in the Spirit of God) Oneness in Body (bonding of ladies in the Spirit) Fellowship (true, honest, pure) Experience (presence and character of God) Healing and Restoration (power of God) Develop, Grow, Mature (stir up the gifts) Blessed, Blessing (within, home, church…) Galatians 6: 1- 18
Women of Restoration shares the love of Jesus Christ with women both inside the church walls and out in the community. We seek to build a strong body of believers though prayer, praise, worship, and fellowship which purify us and make us channels through which the Holy Spirit can flow.
On the second Saturday of each month, we assemble ourselves in the unity of our faith to learn and apply His Word in our lives. These meetings provide a forum for women to know God’s Total Salvation, God’s Complete deliverance, and God’s Resurrection Power.